Evidence of a Gravitational Wave Background from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries

By UFO Weekly Staff [20240315]

In June 2023, scientists announced some of the most compelling evidence yet for a low-frequency gravitational wave background, believed to arise from the slow “rumble” of merging supermassive black holes throughout the cosmos. This remarkable finding came via pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), a technique that relies on measuring tiny irregularities in the ultra-precise signals from rapidly rotating neutron stars. Known as millisecond pulsars, these stellar remnants serve as cosmic metronomes, allowing astronomers to detect minute distortions in spacetime caused by gravitational waves. The discovery has sparked widespread excitement among astrophysicists, as it opens a new window into how galaxies (and their central black holes) have evolved over cosmic time. Below is a detailed look at how scientists arrived at this result, why it matters for black hole physics, and where research is heading next.

Background on Gravitational Waves

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime, first predicted by Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity in 1916. Though theorized for over a century, direct detection of gravitational waves only became a reality in 2015, when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) recorded the merger of two stellar-mass black holes approximately 1.3 billion light-years away. That breakthrough earned the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics and ushered in an era of gravitational wave astronomy, with additional detectors—such as Virgo and KAGRA—joining the hunt.

However, traditional ground-based observatories like LIGO and Virgo are attuned to relatively high-frequency gravitational waves—those generated by events such as merging stellar-mass black holes or neutron stars. These signals typically range from tens of hertz to kilohertz in frequency. The newly announced background, by contrast, exists at much lower frequencies (nanohertz range), corresponding to gravitational waves that originate from supermassive black hole binaries in the centers of galaxies.

Supermassive Black Holes and Their Role in Galaxy Evolution

Most (if not all) galaxies, including our own Milky Way, host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at their center. These gargantuan objects can have masses millions to billions of times greater than that of the Sun. When two galaxies merge, their central SMBHs can eventually fall into a mutual orbit, circling each other as they gradually draw closer. In the final phases of coalescence—on timescales of tens to hundreds of millions of years—these SMBH pairs emit gravitational waves. Yet the frequency of that emission is so low that ground-based detectors are effectively “deaf” to it.

Over cosmic history, countless galaxy mergers have occurred, populating the universe with pairs of supermassive black holes at varying stages of inspiral. As all these pairs emit gravitational waves, their signals overlap to form a collective background. Rather than a single distinct “chirp,” it’s more like a faint hum: a constant, omnidirectional presence in the cosmos, too subtle and long-wavelength to be detected using laser interferometers. For decades, astrophysicists theorized that such a gravitational wave background (GWB) must exist. The question was how to detect it.

Enter the Pulsar Timing Arrays

The Basics of Pulsar Timing

Pulsars are the rapidly spinning remnants of massive stars that went supernova. Millisecond pulsars, in particular, rotate hundreds of times per second and emit beams of electromagnetic radiation (often radio waves) that sweep across Earth at extremely regular intervals. Think of them like stellar lighthouses on a cosmic scale. Because these pulsars are so stable, small deviations in the arrival time of their signals can reveal the influence of external factors—among them, the distortions of spacetime caused by gravitational waves.

How Pulsar Timing Arrays Work

A single pulsar can provide clues about gravitational wave effects, but the real power comes from observing dozens of millisecond pulsars spread across the sky. By tracking tiny shifts in the pulse arrival times for each pulsar in this array and comparing them, scientists can tease out patterns that correlate with gravitational wave distortions. Such a network, called a Pulsar Timing Array (PTA), effectively uses the Milky Way as a giant gravitational wave detector.

Multiple international collaborations lead PTA projects, including:

  • NANOGrav (North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves)
  • EPTA (European Pulsar Timing Array)
  • PPTA (Parkes Pulsar Timing Array in Australia)
  • CPTA (Chinese Pulsar Timing Array)

These groups often share data and analyses under the umbrella of the International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA) consortium.

The June 2023 Announcement: A Collective Cosmic “Hum”

The Key Findings

In mid-2023, NANOGrav released a series of papers in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, announcing the detection of a statistically significant “common-spectrum stochastic process” in their 15-year dataset. Translated into simpler language, the signals across many pulsars showed correlated timing irregularities that strongly pointed to the presence of a gravitational wave background. This was corroborated by other PTA collaborations (including EPTA and PPTA), which released or teased parallel data around the same time, culminating in a combined message that indeed we are “hearing” this cosmic hum for the first time.

One of the most persuasive pieces of evidence is the characteristic correlation pattern (commonly referred to as the Hellings-Downs curve) that emerges among pulsars when low-frequency gravitational waves pass through our region of spacetime. The NANOGrav team reported that their correlations match theoretical predictions well enough to be considered a prime candidate for the gravitational wave background from supermassive black hole binaries.

Confidence Levels and Significance

While the discovery hasn’t reached the ironclad threshold used for high-frequency gravitational wave detections (like those from LIGO), the statistical significance is nonetheless compelling. In this early phase, the collaborations emphasize that their data “strongly supports” the existence of this background, and further years of observation could raise the confidence to near-certainty. Because the timescales involved are so long, continuing the pulsar observations for decades could refine the signal, reveal new details, and potentially confirm the exact source distribution of these waves.

Why This Discovery Matters

Understanding Galaxy Mergers

Galactic mergers are cosmic building blocks: every large galaxy we see today likely formed through a series of smaller mergers over billions of years. As central supermassive black holes migrate closer during these mergers, they generate the gravitational waves that PTAs are now detecting. By measuring the amplitude and frequency spectrum of this background, astronomers can backtrack to infer properties of black hole populations, merger rates, and the overall process of galaxy assembly. Essentially, the GWB acts like an archaeological record of black hole activity across cosmic history.

Complement to LIGO and Virgo

High-frequency observatories such as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA detect mergers of stellar- or intermediate-mass black holes on timescales of seconds to minutes. PTAs, however, focus on events unfolding over millions of years, capturing a completely different segment of the gravitational wave spectrum. These complementary bands allow for a more comprehensive view of black hole populations—from the stellar mass scale up to the supermassive realm. In the future, both sets of instruments might find overlapping phenomena, providing a continuous map of gravitational waves that spans numerous orders of magnitude in frequency.

Testing Astrophysical and Theoretical Models

Scientists have advanced numerous theoretical models about how supermassive black holes form, grow, and eventually merge. The presence (or absence) of a robust GWB can confirm or challenge these models. For example, if the amplitude of the signal is higher than expected, it might indicate that black holes merge more frequently or become massive more quickly than current theories predict. Alternatively, if part of the background arises from exotic processes such as cosmic strings or relic gravitational waves from the early universe, it could point to new physics beyond standard astrophysical explanations.

Technical Challenges and Ongoing Work

Pulsar Stability and Noise Sources

Though millisecond pulsars are extremely stable clocks, they are not perfect. Effects such as pulse jitter, intrinsic spin-down irregularities, and measurement noise can complicate gravitational wave analysis. Ongoing research aims to characterize and subtract these noise sources to sharpen the PTA’s sensitivity.

Expanding the Pulsar Catalog

A key strategy for strengthening evidence for the GWB is to find more millisecond pulsars. The more pulsars in the array—and the longer they are observed—the better astronomers can separate genuine gravitational wave signals from random noise. Radio observatories worldwide (Arecibo, prior to its collapse in 2020; Green Bank Telescope in the U.S.; Parkes in Australia; and others) continually search for newly discovered millisecond pulsars. Each new pulsar can help enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of PTA data.

Global Collaboration

Though NANOGrav leads the North American effort, the international community has recognized that combining data from different collaborations yields the highest sensitivity to the GWB. Cross-correlation between separate PTAs is a powerful way to confirm signals that appear in one dataset. The nascent International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA) is working towards unifying these diverse projects to produce a shared analysis pipeline and more robust science results. Their ultimate goal is to map out the low-frequency gravitational wave sky with unprecedented resolution.

Outlook: From First Detection to Detailed Cosmic Cartography

The recent announcement is best viewed as an early triumph in a long-term observational campaign. Over the coming decades, the amplitude and shape of this gravitational wave background can be pinned down with greater precision, possibly revealing subtle features that indicate multiple overlapping sources or changes in black hole behavior over cosmic epochs. Some scientists envision that PTAs might even go beyond a simple “background” detection: they could isolate individual supermassive black hole binaries at specific frequencies, effectively turning pulsars into a cosmic observatory able to “image” black hole pairs nearing merger.

Moreover, future observations might confirm or deny the role of other exotic contributors to the gravitational wave background. For instance, cosmic strings—hypothetical one-dimensional topological defects predicted by some grand unified theories—could produce gravitational waves in the nanohertz regime. Detecting such signals would revolutionize fundamental physics, linking early universe cosmology to present-day astrophysics. Conversely, failing to find them narrows down the parameter space for exotic physics.

At present, though, supermassive black hole binaries remain the leading explanation for the GWB. Each galaxy merger effectively adds to the collective wave “choir” that, until now, has been too faint for humans to perceive. Pulsar timing arrays finally offer a hearing aid to pick up these deep, resonant notes. In doing so, they expand the gravitational wave spectrum beyond anything LIGO or Virgo can detect, bridging the gap between observational astronomy and theoretical predictions about the hidden aspects of galaxy evolution.


The mid-2023 announcement of a gravitational wave background from merging supermassive black holes stands as a milestone in astrophysics. Not only does it validate longstanding theoretical predictions, but it also provides an entirely new lens through which to scrutinize galaxy formation and black hole growth. Pulsar timing arrays, once a niche approach, have proven themselves as formidable observatories capable of probing the nanohertz frontier. As more data accumulates, and as new millisecond pulsars join the network, PTAs will continue refining our understanding of black hole demographics, cosmic structure formation, and the very nature of spacetime. This is just the beginning of low-frequency gravitational wave astronomy, and each new pulsar timing campaign promises to reveal further details about the gravitational symphony playing out across the universe.


  1. Alam, M. F., Arzoumanian, Z., Baker, P. T., et al. “The NANOGrav 15-Year Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-Wave Background.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 951, no. 1, 2023, L8.
  2. Antoniadis, J., Arumugam, P., Babak, S., et al. “The International Pulsar Timing Array: Second Data Release & Associated Papers.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023.
  3. Hellings, R. W., and Downs, G. S. “Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational radiation background from pulsar timing analysis.” The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 265, 1983, pp. L39–L42.
  4. Liu, X., Wang, F. Y., and Zhu, Z. H. “Pulsar Timing Arrays and Gravitational Waves from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries.” Physics Reports, 2022.

Abbott, B. P., et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration). “Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 116, 2016, 061102.

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